Supporters of AOSCC find volunteering to be both highly rewarding and great fun. Becoming a part of the Austin-Oita Sister City Committee is a commitment to the power of personal connections. Sister cities relationships provide benefits far beyond traditional exchanges, reaching all parts of our communities and improving our quality of life. Through the sister cities global network of over 2,000 partnerships in more than 500 communities in over 140 countries, we provide international access and opportunities for building relationships between our citizens. Networking services and resources help find partners, promote activities, and expand and improve programming.

The #OitaATX Festival mentioned below is generally held in mid-August each year.

Austin-Oita Sister City Committee (AOSCC) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit corporation. Tax ID: 74-2650479.  Retain the receipt that will be emailed to you for tax purposes.

Supporter $0/year

Receive our emails, announcements and other communications.

Brass Supporter $50/year

All Supporter benefits

Discount for one person to #OitaATX Festival

Shiny Brass Supporter $100/year

All Supporter benefits

Discount for one person to #OitaATX Festival

Iron Supporter $250/year

All Shiny Brass Supporter benefits

Discount for two persons to #OitaATX Festival

Name on website if desired

Copper Supporter $500/year

All Iron Supporter benefits

Inclusion of your name or logo on print materials and digital promotion

Sponsorship acknowledgement by emcee at #OitaATX Festival

2 AOSCC Festival branded T-shirts

Bronze Supporter $1000/year

All Copper Supporter benefits

Festival vendor table - 18"x 60” or smaller

Silver Supporter $2500/year

All Bronze Supporter benefits

VIP seating for 2 at Festival

3 AOSCC Festival branded T-shirts

Gold Supporter $5000/year

All Silver Supporter benefits

VIP seating for 6 at Festival

6 AOSCC Festival branded T-shirts

Platinum Supporter $10,000/year

All Gold Supporter benefits

Exclusive signage opportunity for banner with corporate name and logo on stage

Prominent recognition of your corporate logo on print materials and digital promotion

Exclusive pre-event meet-and-greet with Festival entertainers

Premiere VIP front-row seating for 10 at Festival

10 AOSCC Festival branded T-shirts

Special invitation to AOSCC special events and activities